简介:  《幸存者》是一类热门的真人秀类比赛节目,在全球各地的电台多有举办。在这类比赛中,参赛选手被孤立在遥远而鲜有人住的地区,通过比赛赢得奖金。此类节目始于1992年英国。  美国的《幸存者》节目始于1999年,曾先后被NBC, ABC, CBS电台拒绝,后来终被CBS台买下并于2000年开始制作。  《幸存者:珍珠岛》是CBS热门真人秀幸存者的第七季,拍摄于2003年,首播于03年9月28日。比赛地点是巴拿马附近的珍珠岛,历史上曾是海盗活动猖獗的地方。因此该季度两个部落的名字分别为Francis Drake(伊丽莎白一世执政期间的著名海盗)和Henry Morgan(十七世纪加勒比海最大胆和成功的海盗)。合并后的部落名为Balboa(16世纪杰出的探险家)。  《幸存者:珍珠岛》是自幸存者开播而来,观看率最高的一季,出现了众多新元素:独一无二的大逆转,放逐岛、战利品、隐藏的宝藏;个性鲜明、令人难忘的参赛者(Rupert Boneham, Jon Dalton)。比赛开始的第一天,一众参赛者盛装打扮,登船后却震惊地得知不能带行李、只能穿着身上衣服比赛。他们可以在附近的一个渔村用发下来的100美元资金加上自己的饰物换取生活必需品。  本季最大的一次逆转,是头6名出局的选手有机会再回到游戏中,过程如何操作?谁将得到重生的机会?
简介:  来源:破烂熊乐园 www.ragbear.com  极速前进(The Amazing Race),是一个真人秀节目,一群人环游世界进行竞速比赛。CBS从2001年开始按季播出。比赛从美国开始,也在美国结束。各队必须按照信息提示周游世界。最先到达终点的队伍将赢得100万美元大奖。  出品人杰里·布鲁克海默(Jerry Bruckheimer)  制片人Bert van Munster。  主持人:菲尔·基欧汉(Phil Keaghan)  队伍:《极速前进》的11支队伍 (第3,4,10季是12支)由2名有一定关系的队员组成。(第8季为家庭版4人一组共10组)  【获得奖项】连续荣获5届艾美奖:  2003年:艾美奖黄金时间最佳真人/竞技节目。  2004年:艾美奖黄金时间最佳真人/竞技节目。  2005年:艾美奖最佳户外真人秀节目。  2006年:艾美奖最佳实境电视及竞赛类节目。  2007年:艾美奖最佳竞赛真人秀节目奖  【关键词】  金钱:每段赛程的开始,每个队伍会拿到一定的金钱,通常是美元,每段提供的金钱不同,从1美元到100美元都可能,在比赛中,所有的开支只能从这些钱里面扣。但是飞机票可以用信用卡支付。每段赛程余下的钱可以被用在以后的赛程中。  赛程标志:赛程标志是标示队伍必须到达的旗帜。多出现在线索盒上方,也有一些标示在一些队伍必须完成任务的地方。第1季中的赛程标志是黄白相间,但后来变成黄红相间,以便更好的识别。  Clue(线索):路线信息是指引队伍将要去的地方的信息。这个信息一般只告诉各队下一个目的地;至于怎么去,各队自己解决。 但是有些信息指定了交通方式。路线信息会指示出下一个目的地,可能是其他国家的某个城市,可能是当地的某个位置,也可能是中途站或者终点的位置。  Detour(绕道):每一轮比赛都有绕道,一个绕道比赛要从2件任务中选择一件,各有利弊。每队必须完成他们选择的任务才可以拿到下一条线索。通常,会有一个耗时长且简单的任务和耗时短但相对较难的任务供选择。  Road Block(路障):路障只能由一队的一名队员完成,两个人先阅读大概的任务描述,然后决定了谁参加以后才可以看详细的任务描述,当然,他们也可以根据之前队伍的表现来猜测任务。  Fast Forward(快进):快进可以让一个队伍跳过本轮剩下的赛程直接去中继站,快进任务的信息和普通任务的信息都写在任务卡片上。每段赛程只有一个快进。在快进争夺赛中失败的队伍必须回去执行普通任务。每队在整个比赛中也只能使用一次快进,他们必须要在最正确的时候使用。使用快进的队伍通常第一个到达中继站。  Yield(冻结):冻结可以让一个队伍使另外一队停止前进一定的时间。要使用冻结,需要在冻结标示处(在某任务指示处附近)将被冻结队伍的标志放上。 当被冻结队伍到达时,他们必须倒转沙漏,等沙子倒尽后才可以继续。和快进一样,每队只能使用一次冻结,每一季只有两个赛段可以使用冻结.  Intersection(十字路口):十字路口是需要每个队伍与其他一支队伍组成一对(各队可以自由选择友队),然后共同做出决定并完成任务(包括快进),一直到下一个信息说明可以结束十字路口前。  Pit Stop(加油站):每赛段的终点,供队员们休息,最后到达中继站的队伍会被淘汰(在非淘汰赛段除外)。在某些赛段,最先到达的队伍会在比赛结束后拿到额外奖品,各队在到达12小时后从中途站出发进行下一赛段的比赛。  非淘汰赛段:每季比赛都有几个非淘汰赛段,在这些赛段中最后到达中继站的队伍不会被淘汰,可以继续比赛。各队不会被告知哪些赛段非淘汰赛段。  最终赛段:三支队伍会进入最终赛段。第一部分是要去一个较难到达的目的地。第二部分是让队员去向位于美国某个大城市的终点。三支队伍要按照提示去向终点,主持人菲尔·基欧汉和其他被淘汰的队伍会在那里等待他们到来。第一个到达终点的队伍会拿到1百万美元的奖金,其他队伍会根据名次拿到一定奖金。
简介:  Bravo’s Emmy-winning competition series Project Runway returns for another season of high stakes and fierce fashions on Thursday, December 5 at 9:30/8:30c. Sixteen new hopefuls are ready to take the runway by storm and make fashion history. Host Karlie Kloss is back, along with Christian Siriano as the mentor and returning judges Nina Garcia, Brandon Maxwell, and Elaine Welteroth, to decide who has what it takes to make it in this industry. Each 90-minute episode will feature the return of some fan-favorite elements, including the “Siriano Save,” in which Christian has the opportunity to bring one eliminated designer back into the competition, and the pièce de résistance, a chance to present a final collection at New York Fashion Week. Gotham remains a main character for this fashion adventure for challenge reveals and runway shows with iconic locations such as the famous TWA Hotel at JFK, The Vessel at Hudson Yards, and Bergdorf Goodman. In addition, the groundbreaking series continues to shine a light on the evolution of fashion and inclusion by featuring a variety of sexual preferences, racial backgrounds and ages including a nonbinary model and a trans model, a “Dreamer,” and the oldest designer ever to compete on Project Runway. Challenging fashion norms, the designers are tasked with creating functional outfits for Olympians and Paralympians, as well as turning donated garments from Goodwill of NY into high fashion wear.  In the premiere of Project Runway, the competition begins with some twists right out of the airport gate. With luggage still in tow, the designers are greeted at the iconic TWA Hotel at JFK airport ready to take flight with their first challenge: to create an innovative look inspired by humanity’s continued push into space exploration. In a Runway first, these unfamiliar designers have to pair up and collaborate to make cohesive pieces that blow away the judges or they are out. Fans will also get a chance to own a piece of the designer creations when they vote on the outfits they like best. Both the judges’ winning look and a fan-favorite look will be manufactured in the USA by Nineteenth Amendment, a production platform producing sustainable clothing on-demand, and sold on Bravotv.com/ProjectRunway.  The guest judges this season who will help determine whether our designers are in or out are singer and actress Cyndi Lauper, actress and equal-rights advocate Laverne Cox, comedian and actress Leslie Jones, Olympic gold-medal downhill skier Lindsey Vonn, actress Rachel Brosnahan, fashion designer Thom Browne, legendary artists Ashley Longshore, Emmy-nominated fashion stylist Marni Senofonte, and more.  Maybelline and TRESemmé return as the exclusive makeup and hair care partners to bring to life the glamorous looks that will define the runway. Brother will once again outfit the state-of-the-art workroom with its innovative sewing and embroidery machines for contestants to create their showstopping pieces. With the return of the inventive Pilot FriXion Erasable Gel Ink Pens, aspiring designers have the creative freedom to bring their sketches to life. To celebrate Universal Pictures' new film Cats (in theaters Dec. 20), designers will compete to create a chic street look that puts a new spin on the timeless trend of animal prints.  Viewers who can't get enough of Project Runway can tune into the Project Runway After Show and Viewer Verdict, two digital series available on BravoTV.com and brought to you by TRESemmé and Maybelline, respectively.  The winning designer will take home a $250,000 grand prize courtesy of Bluprint, the digital destination for makers and the official DIY partner of Project Runway, a feature in ELLE magazine, the chance to be featured in a Bluprint digital series, $50,000 compliments of returning sponsor Pilot, and a career-changing mentorship with the CFDA (Council of Fashion Designers of America).  Last season, Bluprint awarded the winning designer Sebastian Grey his own original digital series along with $50,000 to put toward a design studio. The series Fashion Sewing with Sebastian Grey will offer lessons on making a bespoke skirt and will stream on the Bluprint digital platform and app in conjunction with the Project Runway season premiere.